You still have not paid the requested amount of $ 250.
We found very interesting in your hacked accounts information that will cost more than $ 3000 on the darknet.
We give you one last chance. You have 7 hours to translate the requested amount.
If you don’t care who uses your data, then you can do nothing.
Bitcoin wallet to which you want to transfer $ 250 1MaRdde6X7SGuoCdFNL2fmgpLomdx7peGC
AUTHOR: 478899
AUTHOR EMAIL: sdfssss2@vixmalls.com
SUBJECT: [Webshop] Contact
[1_Naam] => 478899
[2_E-mailadres] => sdfssss2@vixmalls.com
[3_Telefoonnummer] => 88849862321
[4_Bericht] => Hello!
You still have not paid the requested amount of $ 250.
We found very interesting in your hacked accounts information that will cost more than $ 3000 on the darknet.
We give you one last chance. You have 7 hours to translate the requested amount.
If you don’t care who uses your data, then you can do nothing.
Bitcoin wallet to which you want to transfer $ 250 1MaRdde6X7SGuoCdFNL2fmgpLomdx7peGC
[5_Door dit formulier te gebruiken, ga je akkoord met de opslag en verwerking van jouw gegevens door Zusje-van] => Ja
[email_marketing_consent] =>
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://knutselkamertje.nl/contact/
[feedback_id] => 88500d28c76331a98ef6769791404a2b